About us


We Act. We Inspire. We Educate

‘Viet Nam Sach & Xanh’ (Keep Vietnam Clean & Green) enables every single person to participate by taking simple
actions in daily life to create huge impacts to the country


About Us
Duis nec pulvinar justo. Integer pellentesque, nisl non vehicula ultricies, tellus magna luctus diam, gravida rutrum arcu dolor nec ante. Quisque scelerisque mauris ut cursus auctor.


Our Mission
Our goal at Keep Vietnam Clean & Green (KVCG) is to raise awareness about the litter & trash problem in Vietnam.


While we understand there are many other issues that impact the environment, our focus is on littering, as we believe it to be the most basic of environmental issues and the foundational basis of environmental education.


Our Achievements
Our first program, started in June 2013, was the Green Ribbon Campaign that won the international Youth4Asia competition sponsored by the Asian Development Bank in 2015 when we worked with 15 universities in Vietnam to get over 40,000 pledges to not litter.


Our Commitment
Duis nec pulvinar justo. Integer pellentesque, nisl non vehicula ultricies, tellus magna luctus diam, gravida rutrum arcu dolor nec ante. Quisque scelerisque mauris ut cursus auctor.


Our program
Duis nec pulvinar justo. Integer pellentesque, nisl non vehicula ultricies, tellus magna luctus diam, gravida rutrum arcu dolor nec ante. Quisque scelerisque mauris ut cursus auctor.

Together revive the clean and green in Viet Nam!

Join the wave!


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101/66/26 Le Van Luong Street
Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Email: huy@vietnamsachvaxanh.org

Việt Nam Sạch và Xanh

Our organization is proudly sponsored by Vespa Adventure